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Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington 1013 NE 40th Street Seattle WA 98105
1013 Northeast 40th Street Seattle Washington 98105 US
(206) 543-1330(206) 543-1330

Since 1943, APL-UW has conducted acoustic and oceanographic studies in how deep ocean variability affects Navy systems. Today, our scientists and engineers pursue leadership roles in acoustic and remote sensing, ocean physics and engineering, medical and industrial ultrasound, polar science and logistics, environmental and information systems, and electronic and photonic systems.

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Cite ITHSThe Institute is supported by grants UL1 TR002319, KL2 TR002317, and TL1 TR002318 from the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program (CTSA).

Please help us continue to support your research by citing our grant number(s) in publications we supported.