Informing Patients


Informing Patients

Researchers need to inform patients about Research on Medical Practices (ROMP).

There are several ways that patients can be told about research taking place at their doctor’s office or hospital. Patients can be informed about this research through written materials or through conversations with their healthcare provider.

You can watch a short video on approaches to informing patients about research.

Main Approaches

General Information

Brochures, posters, or other general communications are used to let patients know that research is being conducted in their healthcare settings.

Verbal Permission

The study is explained to the patient and he or she is asked to be involved in the research. Patients can give their permission with a verbal response.

Written Agreement

The study is explained to the patient and they are asked to be involved in the research. Patients are asked to sign a form if they agree to participate.

Ethical Issues
What are the ethical issues related to letting patients know about research on medical practices? Read about the ethical issues our study is exploring.