08 Oct Target 3 Pilot Launched October 5th
The CTMS Target 3 (T3) Pilot officially launched on Monday, October 5, 2020. Two oncology and one UW-non-oncology pilot study teams were selected to run through Target 3 workflows for all new studies submitted through REDCap on or after October 5th.
We are grateful to the three T3 pilot teams: Immunotherapy, Phase 1 and Cardiology-CTU for their participation in the T3 pilot. We are also grateful to the entire study team community that has participated in design and testing of Target 3 workflows over the last year.
Target 3 workflows include Study Calendars, Coverage Analysis, Study Budget Development, Research Charge Master and Post-Award functions such as subject visit tracking and sponsor invoicing. For our UW Non Oncology pilot team, T3 workflows will also include adopting the protocol and subject management functionality that has been in place for Oncology since July 2018.
Training will be provided Just in Time (JIT) for pilot team members as they work with the new studies in the T3 workflow. The project team is highly committed to supporting the pilot teams and will provide virtual “at the elbow” support. Post award activities are expected to start in OnCore after new pilot studies are opened for accrual, approximately 100 days after initial submission.
Amendments for studies submitted via the T3 workflow will occur in OnCore. Amendments and backloads for studies not processed through the T3 workflow (legacy studies) will transition to the T3 workflow at a time to be mutually agreed upon between the pilot team and project team after Oct 2020.
Lessons learned during the pilot phase will help inform the strategic roll-out of T3 functionality for all studies starting June 2021
For more information on the T3 pilot contact gsubra@uw.edu.