11 Dec BEAM
The Murray Lab is looking for participants aged 18-30 for the Brain Engagement Attention and Modeling (BEAM) study exploring how the brain’s visual system processes motion. Participants will complete online structured interviews and around 4 sessions of computer, behavioral, and MRI experiments involving visual stimuli on UW campus.
Depending on your participation, you can earn $30-$200. And if you’re interested, we can send you images and a 3D-printable file of your brain!Participant Eligibility
Age: 18-30
Vision corrected to 20/20
No psychiatric diagnoses (anxiety or depression ok)
Able to keep still laying on back for up to 1 hour
Kristin Woodard
Additional Study Details
Full Study Title
Attention allocation as a computational mechanism for altered sensory processing in autism
Scott Murray
Sara J. Webb
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Study Site(s)
University of Washington
351525 Guthrie Hall Department of Psychology
Seattle, Washington 98195