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COVID-19 and workers in the food industry

COVID-19 and workers in the food industry

People working in the food industry (groceries, restaurants, food delivery, factories) during COVID have had a higher risk of getting the illness. Researchers at the University of Washington and Indiana University are interviewing people working in food service, delivery, or provision to understand their work experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our study aims to find ways to create more protections for food workers.

In the interview, we will ask you questions about COVID-19 like where you get information about it, what you do to help prevent it, and what your workplace does to help protect you from it. The interview will take up to 90 minutes to complete and you will receive a $40 gift card to thank you for your time. Interviews can be done in English or Spanish.

Participant Eligibility

1) 40 years of age or older
2) Currently employed in food industry (grocery store, fast food restaurant, food delivery service, food preparation plant/factory, or a number of other jobs)
3) Live in the state of Washington

To see if you are eligible, click on this link: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8FUaLjjwGXVA8Xc
to take a quick survey or call 317-935-7847.


Sam Childress
(317) 935-7847

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
COVID-19 and workers in the food industry

Study ID: STUDY00011448
Start Date: 02/12/2021
End Date: 09/30/2021

Anjum Hajat, PhD
Emily Ahonen, PhD

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

University of Washington

3980 15th Ave NE
Seattle, Washington 98195


Use the link below to send a message to the study coordinator, or call the number above to speak directly with a study representative.

I am interested in this research study.
