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The MATCH Study

The MATCH Study

Chronic pain is a significant problem affecting millions of Americans. Research has shown that psychological treatments can help people with chronic pain manage their pain and improve their quality of life. Three psychological treatments shown to be effective for chronic pain include Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Hypnotic Cognitive Therapy (HYP-CT), and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). While research has shown these treatments are helpful for people with chronic pain, the benefits people experience from these types of treatments can vary from person to person. There is little research showing who responds best to which treatments. The purpose of this study is to better understand who benefits most from MBCT, HYP-CT, and CBT. By identifying a way to match people with the type of psychological treatment for pain that would work the best for them based on certain personal characteristics, we aim to improve treatments for people with chronic pain in the future.Participation in study activities includes:• CHOICE OF REMOTE OR IN-PERSON Baseline Assessments (about 1 hour TOTAL): Cognitive Assessments (20 minutes), Relaxation and Hypnotic Exercise (20 minutes), Baseline Questionnaire (20 minutes)• IN-PERSON Baseline Brain Wave Activity (EEG) Assessment (about 60 minutes): The EEG must be completed in person at the UW Medical Center.• 7 ONLINE Follow-up Assessment Sets (45-60 minutes per set, 5-7 hours TOTAL): These assessments will happen before you start treatment, after the 2nd, 4th, and 6th treatment weeks; at the end of treatment, and 3 and 6 months after treatment ends.• 8 ONLINE Psychological Treatment Sessions (Up to 90 minutes for Session 1 and 60 minutes each for Sessions 2-8; about 8.5 hours TOTAL): These individual videoconference treatment sessions will occur on average once per week.If you participate in this study, we will need 16-20 hours of your time over a 9–12-month period.Compensation of up to $350 will be provided for completion of all study procedures.


Sydney Drever
(206) 221-7224

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
The MATCH Study: Matching Adults to Treatments for Chronic Pain

Study ID: STUDY00015771
Start Date: 11/22/2022
End Date: 07/31/2025

Co-PI: Mark P. Jensen, Ph.D.
Co-PI: Rhonda M. Williams, Ph.D.
Co-I: Melissa Day, Ph.D.
Co-I: Dawn Ehde, Ph.D.
Co-I: Shahin Hakimian, M.D.
Co-I: Elena Mendoza, Ph.D.
Co-I: Pradeep Suri, M.D.
Co-I: Anna Korpak, Ph.D.
Co-I: Aaron Turner, Ph.D.
Co-I: David Patterson, Ph.D.

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

University of Washington, Ninth and Jefferson Building

908 Jefferson St
Seattle, Washington 98104

University of Washington Medical Center

1959 NE Pacific St
Seattle Washington 98195


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