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Usability and Feasibility Testing for Mobile Cognitive Aid

Usability and Feasibility Testing for Mobile Cognitive Aid

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usability and feasibility of a novel tablet/phone application (IndiAide) for use with individuals with mild cognitive impairment due to Parkinson’s Disease. The application assists with day-to-day functions such as medication management, appointment keeping, photos and videos, therapy exercises, entertainment, and care team information. Usability and feasibility testing will first occur with two small groups neurotypical participants prior to testing with the experimental group of 5 individuals with mild cognitive impairment from Parkinson’s Disease.

Participant Eligibility

Between 50-80 years oldHave a diagnosis of Parkinson’s DiseaseHave noticed some changes to cognition (for example: memory, attention)Have a range of comfort using technology


Tamar Nir
(954) 376-1473

Additional Study Details

Full Study Title
Testing Usability and Feasibility of a Mobile Aid for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Study ID: STUDY00015932
Start Date: 07/13/2022
End Date: 07/13/2023

Tamar Nir – PI
Dr. Kristie Spencer – Mentor and Co-Investigator

Accepts Healthy Volunteers?

Study Site(s)

University of Washington, Speech and Hearing Clinic

4131 15th Ave NE #6299
Seattle, Washington 98105


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