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Author: Tina Taylor

The University of Washington SPEAC Lab is inviting individuals who have experienced changes to their speech and/or voice due to any type of head and neck cancer to answer survey questions about their communication experiences. We ask participants to nominate at least one family member,...

EVO is a 12-month healthy lifestyle and weight loss research study taking place in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University. Researchers are looking to determine the best strategy for weight loss and healthy living. Participants enroll in the 12-month, remotely-delivered study and receive...

This is a platelet transfusion study. The primary purpose of this study is to find out how long platelets treated with the INTERCEPT blood system and stored for up to 5 days remain in your blood after transfusion. The INTERCEPT blood system for platelets is...

The Applied Hearing Science Lab in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Washington is conducting a research project on hearing wellness among older adults. The goal of the project is to understand the factors underlying individual differences in speech understanding...

This study is seeking adult pairs who are close to each other (such as close friends, married or intimate partners, or family members) to participate in a study about digital legacies. This refers to the digital information or personal data that remains after death. This study...
