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2023 UW Medical Data Science Symposium


February 27–28 | Seattle, WA


The 2023 UW Medical Data Science Symposium takes place February 27–28 in the Husky Union Building Lyceum (4001 East Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195 map).

The agenda below is subject to change.

DAY 1: February 27, 12:00–5:45pm




Welcome and Intro Remarks

Symposium Organizing Committee


Introduction to Medical Data Science – Part I
Session Moderator: Sean Mooney, CRIO, UW Medicine

  • Overview of Medical Data Science | 12:45–1:15pm
    • Sean Mooney, CRIO, UW Medicine
    • Ali Shojaie, Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics (adjunct), Associate Chair, Department of Biostatistics
  • Human-AI Collaboration Enables More Empathic Conversations in Mental Health Support | 1:15—1:45pm
    • Tim Althoff, Professor, UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering 
  • Introduction to Digital Health and AI | 1:45—2:15pm
    • Anind Dey, Dean and Professor, UW Information School
  • Software as a Medical Device | 2:15—2:45pm
    • Lynn Rose, Affiliate Associate Professor, UW School of Pharmacy
    • Mike Willingham, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Google Health
  • Computational Analysis of Biomedical Language: Recent Developments and Ongoing Projects | 2:45pm—3:15pm
    • Trevor Cohen, Professor, UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
    • Meliha Yetisgen, Professor, UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education




Introduction to Medical Data Science – Part II
Session Moderator: Peter Tarczy-Hornoch, Professor, Chief Data Officer, and Chair, UW Medicine Biomedical Informatics & Medical Education; Professor Pediatrics (Neonatology); Adjunct Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

  • AI and Big Data Ethics in the Age of Transformative Technology | 3:30–4:00pm
    • Diane KorngiebelAI Principles Ethicist and ELSI Scholar, Responsible Innovation, Google
  • AI and Changing Radiology Landscape | 4:00–4:30pm
    • Dushyant Sahani, Professor and Chair, UW Medicine Department of Radiology
  • Access of UW Clinical Data for Research Use | 4:30–5:00pm
    • Bas de Veer, Assistant Director, UW Medicine Research IT
    • Nic Dobbins, Principal Solutions Architect, UW Medicine Research IT
  • Implementing AI models at UW Medicine and Integration with Epic | 5:00–5:30pm
    • Beth Britt, Director of Data & Analytics, UW Medicine
    • Patrick Davis, Lead Epic Research Analyst, UW Medicine Research IT


Closing Remarks & Day 2 Intro

Sean Mooney, CRIO, UW Medicine

DAY 2: February 28, 8:00am–5:30pm




Welcome and Intro Remarks
  • Sean Mooney, CRIO, UW Medicine
  • Mark Richards, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Washington
  • Eric Neil, CIO, UW Medicine


Short Talks — UW Centers and Faculty
Session Moderator: Dushyant Sahani, MD, Professor and Chair, UW Medicine Radiology

  • Bridge2AI and Computational Ophthalmology | 8:45–9:05
    • Cecilia Lee, Associate Professor, UW Medicine Ophthalmology
  • UW AI Institute for Dynamic Systems | 9:05–9:25
    • Nathan Kutz, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering, UW; Director, AI Institute in Dynamic Systems
  • UW Clinical Learning, Evidence, And Research (CLEAR) Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders | 9:25–9:45
    • Jerry Jarvik, Professor, Radiology and Neurological Surgery; Adjunct Professor, Health Services, Pharmacy and Orthopedics & Sports Medicine; Director, UW CLEAR Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • eScience Institute | 9:45–10:05
    • David Beck, Director of Research, eScience Institute; Research Associate Professor, UW Chemical Engineering
  • National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center | 10:05–10:25
    • Sarah Biber, Program Director, National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center


Coffee Break


Keynote Address

Translating a Trillion Points of Data into Therapies, Diagnostics, and New Insights into Disease
Atul Butte, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor and Director, Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, UCSF

Session Moderator: Su-In Lee, Professor, UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering)


Breakout Session Intro & Lunch


Breakout Session

Breakout 1 (Room 145)
  • Technical Platforms at UW Medicine for AI and the Learning Health System
    • Kristen Yeom, Professor, Stanford University
    • Sarah Biber, Program Director, National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center
Breakout 2 (Room 250)
  • Care Delivery Transformation & Advanced Diagnostics
    • Graham Nichol, Professor, UW School of Medicine, Department of Internal & Emergency Medicine 
    • Swatie Rane Levendovszky, Associate Professor, UW Medicine Radiology
Breakout 3 (Room 340)
  • Societal Impacts of AI
    • Diane Korngiebel, AI Principles Ethicist and ELSI Scholar, Responsible Innovation, Google
    • Oliver J. Bear Don’t Walk IV, Postdoctoral Scholar, UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education


Short Talks: Abstracts & Invited Speakers, Part I
Session Moderator: Ali Shojaie, Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics (adjunct), Associate Chair, Department of Biostatistics

  • Self-Tracking in Health: Design Challenges and Opportunities | 1:30–1:45
    • James Fogarty, Professor, UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering 
  • Language-model-based patient embeddings | 1:45–1:55
    • Su Xian, UW Medicine, Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
  • The Early Psychosis Screener for Internet (EPSI)-SR: Predicting 12 month psychotic conversion using machine learning | 1:55–2:05
    • Benjamin Brodey, TeleSage, Inc.
  • Semi Supervised Learning Improves Model Performance for Retinal Vessel Segmentation on Infrared Reflectance Imaging | 2:05–2:15
    • Anand Rajesh, UW Medicine Ophthalmology 
  • Metabolomic signatures associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension outcomes | 2:15–2:25
    • Lu Xia, UW School of Public Health, Biostatistics
  • GLOBEM Dataset: Multi-Year Datasets for Longitudinal Human Behavior Modeling Generalization | 2:25–2:35
    • Han Zhang, UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
  • Addressing challenges in the development of clinical risk prediction algorithms due to intermittent patient follow-up in electronic health record data | 2:35–2:45
    • Aasthaa Bansal, The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy & Economics (CHOICE) Institute




Panel Discussion

An Industry Perspective of Medical Data Science

Panel Moderator: Shwetak Patel, Professor, UW Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

  • Daniel McDuff, Staff Research Scientist, Google; Affiliate Professor, UW
  • Shawn Sullivan, Cofounder & Chief Technology Officer, Phase Genomics
  • Shirley Ren, Applied Research Manager, Health AI team at Apple
  • Scott Saponas, Senior Director, Biomedical Computing, Microsoft Research


Short Talks: Abstracts & Invited Speakers, Part II
Session Moderator: Shannon McWeeney, Chief Data Officer, Professor and Vice Chair, Oregon Health and Science University

  • Comparative Evaluation of Commercial AI Products for Mammography Screening | 3:45–3:55
    • Christoph Lee, UW Medicine Radiology
  • TCR-L: an analysis tool for evaluating the association between the T-cell receptor repertoire and clinical phenotypes | 3:55–4:05
    • Meiling Liu, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Public Health Sciences
  • HarborBot: Chatbot for Social Needs Screening | 4:05–4:15
    • Gary Hsieh, UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
  • Augmenting traditional ML with VAE-based gene expression sample generation for improved prediction of cancer molecular subtypes | 4:15–4:25
    • Brian Karlberg, Oregon Health and Science University, Biomedical Engineering


Closing Remarks, Poster Session & Reception

Symposium Organizing Committee