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UW ARPA-H Committee

UW ARPA-H Committee

ITHS facilitates the UW ARPA-H Committee, a visioning committee to help research leaders develop strategy and direction related to a new federal funding agency. The UW ARPA-H Committee will identify key opportunities for collaboration, provide feedback on abstracts and assist with team development, and socialize ARPA-H across the UW research community.

The committee is chaired by the ITHS Executive Director Tong Sun and includes representatives from the School of Medicine, College of Engineering, and School of Pharmacy, as well as leadership of the Institute for Protein Design and Population Health Initiative. The sponsors of the committee are Jihui Yang, Vice Dean of the College of Engineering, and Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert, Vice Dean of Research and Graduate Education of the School of Medicine.

Transformational Approaches to Big Health Challenges

What is ARPA-H?

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) is a federal funding agency that supports the development of high-impact research to drive biomedical and health breakthroughs to deliver transformative, sustainable, and equitable health solutions for everyone. ARPA-H’s mission focuses on leveraging research advances for real world impact. ARPA-H awardees are developing entirely new ways to tackle the hardest challenges in health. ARPA-H is collaborative, spirited, and driven by a commitment to accelerating life-changing health solutions. Read our post about “the ARPA way” here.

ARPA-H Strategy

Like other Advanced Research Projects Agencies, ARPA-H provides research funding to create new opportunities and solve important problems through ambitious, well-defined, and measurable programs. Each program is led by a Program Manager who champions a core idea, frames a challenge, and awards projects to multidisciplinary teams of performers, whose work is then measured and evaluated to ensure that only the best solutions advance.

ARPA-H supports research carried out by a wide variety of groups across the country, including everyone from academia and private industry to the government. Watch the video below to learn more about the ARPA-H model.

Focus Areas

ARPA-H has established four “mission offices,” each focused on an area to unlock new ways to collaborate and attack problems.

  • Health Science Futures: Expanding what’s technically possible
    • Accelerating advances across research areas and removing limitations that stymie progress towards solutions. The tools and platforms developed apply to a broad range of diseases.
  • Scalable Solutions: Reaching everyone quickly
    • Addressing challenges that include geography, distribution, manufacturing, data and information, and economies of scale to create programs that result in impactful, timely, and equitable solutions.
  • Proactive Health: Keeping people from being patients
    • Preventative programs will create new capabilities to detect and characterize disease risk and promote treatments and behaviors to anticipate threats to Americans’ health, whether those are viral, bacterial, chemical, physical, or psychological.
  • Resilient Systems: Building integrated healthcare systems
    • Developing capabilities, business models, and integrations to weather crises such as pandemics, social disruption, climate change, and economic instability. Resilient systems need to sustain themselves between crises – from the molecular to the societal – to better achieve outcomes that advance American health and wellbeing.

Funding Opportunities through ARPA-H

ARPA-H calls for revolutionary proposals that will deliver breakthrough research and technological advancements. The agency funds two general categories: specific programs and single projects.

Specific Programs

ARPA-H programs begin with well-defined, challenging, and significant problems in health, using the Heilemeier framework to guide development and selection of a high risk/high impact research focus. The agency then solicits proposals and funds multiple teams to work towards the program’s goals. Program solicitations typically describe multiple technical areas for development with highly prescriptive specifications at the cutting edge of technology capabilities.

Check out the latest list of programs on the ARPA-H website. A few examples include:

  • APECx—Antigens Predicted for Broad Viral Efficacy through Computational Experimentation
  • PSI—Precision Surgical Interventions
  • NITRO—Novel Innovations for Tissue Regeneration in Osteoarthritis
  • BREATHE—Building Resilient Environments for Air and Total Health
  • HEROES—Health Care Rewards to Achieve Improved Outcomes
  • GLIDE—Groundbreaking Lymphatic Interventions and Drug Exploration
  • PARADIGM—Platform Accelerating Rural Access to Distributed and Integrated Medical Care
  • REACT—Resilient Extended Automatic Cell Therapies
  • PRECISE-AI—Performance and Reliability Evaluation for Continuous Modifications and Useability of AI
Single projects

In addition to specific programs, ARPA-H supports single projects that have potential to deliver innovations in areas aligned with the agency’s mission and goals. Each mission office has an Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO) for investigator-initiated project submissions, with applications accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals should investigate unconventional approaches, and challenge accepted assumptions to enable leaps forward in science, technology, systems, or related capabilities.

Key questions for proposed ARPA-H projects

Key questions for proposed ARPA-H projects

ARPA-H is modeled after the approach of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), focused on supporting high risk-high reward projects to develop emerging technologies. A former DARPA director, George Heilmeier, devised a set of simple questions, now known as the Heilmeier Catechism, to help the agency’s program managers evaluated proposed research programs. To assess how projects might serve the agency’s mission, ARPA-H has adapted and expanded the set to the following 10 questions:

  • What are you trying to do? What health problem are you trying to solve?
  • How does this get done at present? Who does it? What are the limitations of present approaches?
  • What is new about our approach? Why do we think we can be successful at this time?
  • Who cares? If we succeed, what difference will it make?
  • What are the risks? That may prevent you from reaching your objectives? Any risks the program itself may present?
  • How long will it take?
  • How much will it cost?
  • What are our mid-term and final exams to check for success?
  • To ensure equitable access for all people, how will cost, accessibility, and user experience be addressed?
  • How might this program be misperceived or misused? And how can we prevent that from happening?

Learn more about the questions behind these questions.

How the UW ARPA Committee Can Help You

The UW ARPA-H Committee seeks to serve as a resource for the research community by supporting development and implementation of strategies to engage ARPA-H as well as concept and project team development for ARPA-H submissions.

If you’re interested in submitting a concept proposal to ARPA-H, the committee can help by providing feedback on your abstract, including appropriately scaling your budget and project scope, and/or by connecting you with potential collaborators and other experts essential for your project.

UW ARPA-H Committee Members

  • Tong Sun (Chair)
    Executive Director, Institute of Translational Health Sciences
  • Anirban Basu
    Stergachis Family Endowed Director, Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE) Institute
  • Cole DeForest
    Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Su-In Lee
    Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
  • Ali Mokdad
    Professor of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
  • Margaret Rosenfeld
    Associate Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Dept. of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Research Institute

  • Tueng Shen
    Associate Dean for Medical Technology Innovation, School of Medicine & College of Engineering
  • Nate Sniadecki
    Associate Director, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
  • Lynda Stuart
    Executive Director, Institute for Protein Design
  • Sean D. Sullivan
    Professor, School of Pharmacy
  • Paul Yager
    Professor, Department of Bioengineering
  • Ying Zheng
    Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering

Contact Us

Please email the ITHS Research Development team ( with any questions about ARPA-H or to get feedback on an ARPA-H proposal.