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Biostatistical services play a pivotal, collaborative role in biomedical research. We coordinate biostatistical collaboration for investigators and trainees at every stage of the research study, from the initial trial design stage to the final reporting phase. This collaboration occurs through our integrated partnerships with the UW Center for Biomedical Statistics (CBS) and the Children’s Core for Biomedical Statistics (CCBS).

You can contact us to set up a free initial consultation to receive expert advice on topics such as study design, data collection, and analysis methods. Specific guidance regarding design and analysis options for proposed studies is provided, including assistance in the preparation of grant proposals. We also work with the ITHS Biomedical Informatics team to assist you with electronic data capture.



We currently offer support for:

  • Grant Preparation / Study Design
  • Choosing Statistical Methods
  • Sample Size Determination
  • Randomization and Blinding
  • Data Analysis, including Secondary Data Analysis
  • Multicenter Study Coordination
  • Data Monitoring Plans
  • Analytic Dataset Preparation
  • Manuscript Collaboration

Depending on your project’s needs, the initial consultation will involve a faculty or staff biostatistician and possibly a graduate student.



These rates will be effective for billable hours worked on or after August 1, 2021. For projects already in progress as of that date, the new rates will go into effect for billable hours worked as of October 1, 2021.

  • Projects with a UW Budget number: $115/hour
  • Projects associated with an ITHS partner institution in the WWAMI region (no UW budget number): $130/hour
  • Projects associated with other external organizations or institutions (no UW budget number): $160/hour

Request Services - Projects based at the University of Washington & all institutions other than Seattle Children's

Request Services

Projects based at the University of Washington & all institutions other than Seattle Children’s

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Request Services - Project based at Seattle Children's

Request Services

Project based at Seattle Children’s

To get started, please complete following form.

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To learn more, please contact us via the following form.