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ITHS COVID-19 Research Awards

COVID-19 Research Awards

The ITHS COVID-19 Research Award program is designed to provide funding and/or resources to investigators who have an urgent need and can demonstrate the difference or impact that this award would have on their research. Investigators can receive up to $2,500 toward the purchase of supplies or core in-kind services provided by ITHS. The period of performance will last six months, ending on November 30, 2020. The next application period will be announced soon.

Key Dates

  • Application Opens:
    March 30, 2020
  • Submission Deadline:
    April 13, 2020
  • Notification Date:
    April 27, 2020

Focus of the RFA
Focus of the RFA

In your proposal, please describe:

  • How this award would provide funds needed to make a critical difference in COVID-19 research.
  • How this award is a timely opportunity that would help you achieve a research goal that might otherwise not be possible.

Eligible Investigators
Eligible Investigators

Investigators at ITHS Partner Institutions, including the University of Washington, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and other academic institutions affiliated with the University of Washington through the ITHS in the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region are eligible to apply for this award. Post- doctoral Associates, Fellows, Research Scientists are eligible to apply. Applications are limited to one per investigator.

All Investigators must be ITHS Members to apply. Membership is free. To become a member, please complete the ITHS Membership Form.

Eligible Purchases & Services
Eligible Purchases

Costs may include materials, supplies and/or services. These awards may not be used to pay for personnel salary, benefits, effort, or consultant time. Budget must include anticipated costs – funds cannot be used to reimburse individuals. Indirect costs are not allowed.

Eligible Services for Request

ITHS offers a variety of services to support the work of researchers, including:


  • Grant Preparation / Study Design
  • Choosing Statistical Methods
  • Sample Size Determination
  • Randomization & Blinding
  • Data Analysis, including Secondary Data Analysis Multicenter Study Coordination
  • Data Monitoring Plans
  • Analytic Dataset Preparation
  • Manuscript Collaboration

Research Coordination

  • Human Subjects Protection
  • Regulatory Document Organization & Monitoring
  • Protocol Development & Budgeting
  • IRB Application & Compliance Support
  • Study Implementation
  • Interviewing Services
  • Research Nurse
  • Staff Training
  • Lost-To-Follow-Up Tracking Service

Data and Safety Monitoring

  • Ensure Continuing Participant Safety
  • Evaluate Continued Validity & Scientific Merit of a Trial
  • Assure Protocol Compliance & Data Accuracy

Regulatory Monitoring

  • Auditing Services
  • Quality Assurance Monitoring Services

Biomedical Informatics

  • Accessing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Data
  • Biospecimen Acquisition and Management Tools
  • Computing and IT Support
  • Study Data Management Tools

Adult Translational Research Unit

  • Immunotherapy Studies
  • High-Volume and/or Serial, Closely-Spaced Blood Draws
  • Pharmacokinetic Studies

Application Process
Application Process

The application must be submitted through the ITHS website. Please note that the Catalyst Award cover letter is being utilized for this mechanism.

Applications will follow National Institutes of Health (NIH) formatting guidelines and include:

1) Cover Page
121 KB1) Cover Page Template
2) Project Title and Abstract (250 word maximum)
3) Research Plan, 2-pages (references do not count toward page limit)
4)  Budget and Budget Justification
29 KB4a) Budget Templateand 37 KB4b) Budget Justification template
5) NIH-format Biosketches for all investigators (senior/key personnel)
35 KB5) NIH format Biosketch Template


Due to the emergent nature of these awards, the application period will be open for only two weeks. Applications will be reviewed and awardees notified within 2 weeks of the submission deadline. Awards will expire within 6 months of award notification.

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