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COVID-19 data for research purposes is in high demand and navigating all the additional requirements around data can be overwhelming. UW Research IT has developed a new tool to help solve this problem and provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions around...

As the global COVID-19 health crisis progressed, and the need for research resources became evident, the ITHS COVID-19 Research Review Working Group promptly created a funding structure to provide much needed resources. On March 30th, ITHS launched the COVID-19 Research Awards program, designed to provide...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, UW researchers using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) have found it critical in responding to this public health crisis.  In the last two months, ITHS REDCap has seen a surge of new users and projects including over 200 projects related to...

ITHS established its Research Bioethics Consultation Service more than a decade ago, but recent developments are setting the stage for broader national leadership and growth. Learn about the consultation process, how researchers have benefited from these consultations and how this new team makes valuable connections on a...

During the first week of March in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, the University of Washington Clinical Informatics Research Group, a group of university software developers and researchers, developed the StayHome mobile app, which supports people who want reliable information and resources,...

ITHS is extremely proud to see the Community Voices program launch in 2020. This new program grew from collaborative work with the Fred Hutch Health Communication Research Center and was specifically created to bridge the gap between community members and researchers. It is part of...