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Ever wish you could make a certain field read-only? Well, action tags will allow you to do that and more. Action tags are a relatively new addition to REDCap and can be applied to any variable. Each has a corresponding action that is performed when...

Participate in Research, a free, web-based study recruitment tool from ITHS, has helped 10 studies meet recruitment goals since the site relaunched last October. We talked to three study coordinators about how the site is helping them find study participants faster and easier....

University of Washington researchers and a local nonprofit are working to develop a cleaner, more efficient cookstove that could improve millions of lives. They engaged the Institute of Translational Health Sciences Research Coordination Center to help them gain the necessary Institutional Review Board (IRB) modifications...

Having a progress bar can be a nice visual aid for survey respondents and may help reduce survey dropout. While REDCap doesn’t have the capability to create a progress bar out of the box, you can add one with some clever use of HTML. Learn...

For students who have an interest in both clinical care and research, the ITHS TL1 Multidisciplinary Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program provides a bridge between the two fields. UW Health Sciences NewsBeat recently interviewed three UW students in the 2016 TL1 cohort about their road...